School Closure Policy

  1. If Paul Mitchell The School Baton Rouge permanently closes and ceases to offer instruction after students have enrolled, arrangements will be made to offer the student a reasonable opportunity to promptly resume and complete the canceled courses of study at an institution, which offers similar educational programs.
  2. The arrangements will be performed by an institution in the same geographic area as Paul Mitchell The School Baton Rouge.
  3. The school at which students will continue their education shall not charge the students a greater amount than that which Paul Mitchell The School Baton Rouge would have been entitled under its contract with the student and which the student has not yet paid.
  4. Paul Mitchell The School Baton Rouge shall notify affected students individually of the availability of the arrangement, and diligently advertise such availability.The schools’ where arrangements are made may provide notices to the students of Paul Mitchell The School Baton Rouge.
  5. Paul Mitchell The School Baton Rouge will submit to all governing authorities, at the time of closure, a complete list of all students enrolled at closing, and will indicate on it the arrangements made for each student to complete their education.
  6. Students shall receive a pro-rata refund of tuition; in the case of Title IV students a Return to Title IV will be issued as required by the US Department of Education.
  7. Paul Mitchell The School Baton Rouge shall dispose of school records in accordance with state and federal laws.