Veterans Administration - Standard of Progress and Attendance Policies for Veterans Educations Students

Academic Probation and Suspension

A student who fails to maintain satisfactory academic progress during any term will be placed on academic probation at the end of that term.The student will remain on academic probation during the following enrollment period.If the student is unable to maintain satisfactory progress (2.0 GPA) during this enrollment period, the student is then suspended for the upcoming term.During this suspension term, the student cannot enroll in any other program at the college.The student may submit an application for re-admission and be placed on the waiting list, provided all entrance requirements for the requested program are met.Students reentering school after academic suspension will reenter on academic probation.Students not maintaining satisfactory progress after one academic suspension will not be allowed to enroll in any program for one calendar year from the date of the second suspension.

Note: Satisfactory progress and re-admission guidelines for the health occupations program may differ due to the policies of the department’s governing boards.Guidelines of the governing board will supersede those of the school.


There are no excused absences for VA students.Success in education and employment is dependent upon preparation and regular attendance.Recommendations to employers for job placement will depend on technical and academic preparation as well as regular attendance.

Students are expected to attend all classes.Full-time VA students are subject to suspension for non-attendance if they are absent in excess of thirty (30) hours in a quarter.Students enrolled less than full-time are subject to suspension when absences have exceeded hours proportional to their enrollment status.

Students will be subject to suspension from class when they have accumulated five absences for classes meeting less than 25 hours per term; suspension will be determined on a pro-rated basis.Instructors will notify students of that exact number of the first day of class.Once a student is dismissed for academic reasons or attendance, the VA will be notified within 30 days of the last date of attendance.

Leave of Absence

There are no leaves of absences for VA students.A VA student who wishes to take a leave must be expelled.His/her last date of attendance is his/her last day of class.

A 22-1999b must be completed.